Cracked Pot Meditation – Business Savvy Versus Spiritual Growth

Meditation for May 16th, 2016 Business Savvy Versus Spiritual Growth I, being in the world of self-help, have noticed a fine line between books about how to be happier in a spiritual kinda-way and being happy in a moneymaking kind of way. We have our Eckhart Tolles and then we have our Tim Ferrisses. Both […]


Meditation for May 16th, 2016

Business Savvy Versus Spiritual Growth

I, being in the world of self-help, have noticed a fine line between books about how to be happier in a spiritual kinda-way and being happy in a moneymaking kind of way. We have our Eckhart Tolles and then we have our Tim Ferrisses. Both of these men are putting out podcasts, writing books and blogs and both claims to be helping you achieve happiness.

One is a fruitful endeavor and the other is capitalism in sheep’s clothing.

Finding ways to help you find peace and happiness is the true path for all. There are many different paths. There are religions, spiritual mix-and-match and secular philosophies that help locate a more serene lifestyle. All of these movements are about love, compassion and being of service to your fellow man.

The financial life-hack self-help movement is how to cheat at life, or how to get your own self ahead. A lot of these books borrow heavily from the spiritual self-help books, but the aim isn’t true happiness but financial gain. It’s a lot of how to make a lot of money with little to no work.

Tim Ferris is selling you these four-hour workweek books and seminars that promise you this little work for a lot of gain. The problem is he was already ahead in the financial world by being born rich and investing well. He makes most of his money on his investments in Facebook, Evernote, TaskRabbit and Uber. Of course he can have a four-hour workweek.

He reminds me of a young Donald Trump.

You can’t get something for little effort. This just doesn’t happen. You can’t become a multi-millionaire just by copying an East Hampton preppy’s morning routine.

People like Tim Ferris come at us like they are also spiritual gurus who have found enlightenment and want to share it with you – for a fee. These are false prophets. These people are taking advantage of your laziness and need for instant gratification. The goal is so far away, but this guy just does whatever he pleases and gets what he wants when he wants it, so why can’t you.

This is like the owner of Whole Foods. Instead of fighting hippies, he started a business taking money from them.


William F. Buckley

Oh, how you would rejoice with those teeth and fake English accent.

This world is turning out just the way you’d love.

The hippies are unassuming as they turn to free market unregulated businesses to make money and buy from,

Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit and Airbnb.

People work with no protection and the company rakes in the cash,

A conservative’s wet dream.

They think they have this right to labor.

They try to fight the governments that are trying to protect them.

They can’t even form a union!

You’d be so proud.

The kids are walking away from community-based culture,

And wanting to make money off of the community.

This is exactly what you wanted when you started the National Review.

This is why even though you are dead,

You won all those debates against Noam Chomsky.

The best part is they think they are still fighting the cause!




Get a job, hippy!


There is no quick way to make money without fucking yourself or others – usually others. They can disguise it in hippy spiritual woo woo movements, but it is still capitalism, selfish and gluttonous.