Cracked Pot Meditations – America’s Christmas

Meditation for December 19th, 2016 America’s Christmas This is a continuation of Cracked Pot Meditations’ war on Christmas.  If the conservative Christians understood history at all, they would understand that their historical counterpart were actually in fact anti-Christmas. This country’s founding fathers were puritans who ran away from England where Christmas was beginning to be […]

Meditation for December 19th, 2016

America’s Christmas

This is a continuation of Cracked Pot Meditations’ war on Christmas. 

If the conservative Christians understood history at all, they would understand that their historical counterpart were actually in fact anti-Christmas. This country’s founding fathers were puritans who ran away from England where Christmas was beginning to be celebrated again. 

Puritans even outlawed Christmas in Boston in the 18th century. They felt that this was a front to the first and second commandment, “Thou shalt have no gods before me”, and,”Thou shalt make unto thee any graven image.” The puritans were very orthodox in their beliefs. Remember, these were the idiots who burnt witches. 

It was the Dutch who brought the Santa Clause style Christmas to America with their Sinter Klaas in New Amsterdam, now named New York City. If the Catholic Dutch didn’t come to America, the Americans would never had Christmas. 

The South, you know the people who were pro-slavery? They were into Christmas. In fact, while Boston and other northern cities wouldn’t celebrate Christmas, the south gave lavish Christmas celebrations. Alabama became the first state to make Christmas a legitimate holiday in 1836. It also still had legal slavery. 

The very invention of psychological warefare in America came from the Civil War and Christmas. Abraham Lincoln had  artist Thomas Nast draw Santa Clause visiting Union soldiers weakening the South’s resolve. The psychological warefare continues with the music. 

So Christmas didn’t even become universally accepted until the twentieth century with advertising. Even in the 1920s, there was a negative reaction to the popularity of the modern Christmas with the Santa, the tree, and the presents. 

So now the traditional American Christian wants to claim that Christmas is this America institution, but it was actually the opposite. It was celebrated by immigrants and pro-slavery anti-patriots. The very reason for the religious freedom in the Constitution was to protect the Puritans who felt that Christmas was a pagan materialistic sinful celebration. This is what the founding fathers were protecting. 

In fact the revolutionaries that won our independence didn’t celebrate Christmas. The British that we fought for our independence did. Santa wears a red suit just like the British soldiers we fought. 

This holiday is celebrated by remembering the savior of all of our sins being born in a manger because they were poor by buying a lot of expensive presents for the kids. Makes sense. It is even weirder because the presents are delivered by someone completely separate from Jesus down the chimney and placed under a decorated tree. 

And now every year we have to hear about his so called war in Christmas from mudracking “journalists” and politicians who want to stir the anger, except 200 years ago these same religious nut jobs would be claiming Christmas was a war on Christianity.