Cracked Pot Meditations – Chakra Clogs

Meditation for July 15th, 2016 Chakra Clogs Human beings have seven chakras. When flowing properly, one is united with the universe. Sometimes our chakras get clogged and we have to dump spiritual hair remover to get rid of those clogs.  Here are the different chakras, their clogs and how to roto-root those clogs.  Root Chakra […]

Meditation for July 15th, 2016

Chakra Clogs

Human beings have seven chakras. When flowing properly, one is united with the universe. Sometimes our chakras get clogged and we have to dump spiritual hair remover to get rid of those clogs. 

Here are the different chakras, their clogs and how to roto-root those clogs. 

Root Chakra


This is centered on your hoo-haw, this is the chakra that keeps you from hurtling into outer space. 

When our hoo-haw is blocked you become fearful, anxious & you doubt yourself. 

Recipe to unblock the root chakra is eat carrots, do the running man or masturbate – or a combination of the three. 

Sacral chakra


This chakra is right below your cute little belly button. Boop. It is in charge of your libido and passion. 

When this puppy gets blocked, you become uncomfortably numb. You also become detached like Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, who spend his time trying to be a real person but not ever quite getting it. Usually people from private schools have a permanent block to the sacral chakra. 

Quit wallowing in your post humanism, and get yourself some help. Learn to accept the things you don’t have power over. Eat mustard, watch movies that star Michael Dudikoff and drunk dial old teachers and profess your love. 

Solar Plexus chakra


This is at the base of your boobs. This chakra aligns with our self-esteem, financial ambition and dominance over other creatures. Strong leaders puff out their chest because their Solar Plexus chakra is so strong. 

A blocked Solar Plexus leaves you with low self-esteem, fearing being rejected by that person that has been dating you for a year and pretty sure you’re going to be fired all the time. 

Launch yourself into a bed of roses, thorns and all, bleed and smell the sweet fragrances of the soft dewy petals. 

Heart chakra


Surprise, motherfucker! This one is between the boobies! The Heart chakra is in charge of all the mushy shit like love, sincerity and acceptance. 

This is the most common blocked chakra, for its blockage is usually means broken relationships, disconnection from humankind and utter loneliness. 

Once broken, the Heart chakra can never be repaired. To keep it from being broken, try and stay naive as long as possible on the dark nature of the human soul. 

Throat chakra


The creative chakra. This is the one that drives your desire to create and show your creations to others. This is our God chakra, for we become little creators making our own vast universes. 

The blockage of the throat chakra leads to lies, dishonest existence, saying and not doing and being critical of those who create instead of consume. The Throat chakra makes one consume all it can consume to only be lodged in our throats choking us on the never satisfied consumer fire. 

Create rather than consume. 

Third Eye chakra


The third eye is the chakra that leads us on the time line we are meant to travel. It sees the future and when we open it, we can see the right decisions we need to make for our soul to satisfy her mortal commitments. 

Cognitive thinking problems, memory loss, nightmares and being lost in finding ones way in life are all symptoms of a blocked third eye. 

Concentrate on the smallest speck of dust for as long as you can. Only think about that speck of dust and wonder about it’s existence. Why does it exist? Are there whole universes between the molecules in that speck of dust? Is that speck of dust on a worthy mission such as I am?


Crown chakra


His is the part that touches our creators. Some wear hats to numb the powerful gaze our creators have on our lives. It doesn’t stop our creators from watching us masturbate. The Crown chakra is our divine harmony and unity with the universe. This is our place: everywhere. Either we are everything or we are nothing. 

When blocked, we feel depressed and feel that life has no meaning but to grow to a certain age and then die. We lose no soul; we just shit our pants. 

We must not have anything we aren’t okay losing. We must sell the house, the car and the wife and kids. We must start a cult in the deep humid jungles of Cambodia. We will wait for a man to come and end all this horror. 

The horror. 

The horror.