Cracked Pot Meditations – Don’t Follow Your Dreams

M Meditation for July 2nd, 2016 Don’t Follow Your Dreams Everyone is telling you to follow your dreams. They say you should do something you’re passionate about.  In a perfect world you’d be able to follow your dreams. This is far from being a perfect world. In fact, this world is a hot mess.  You […]


Meditation for July 2nd, 2016

Don’t Follow Your Dreams

Everyone is telling you to follow your dreams. They say you should do something you’re passionate about. 

In a perfect world you’d be able to follow your dreams. This is far from being a perfect world. In fact, this world is a hot mess. 

You shouldn’t try to follow your dreams. You’ll be wasting your time. This world needs garbage collectors, insurance underwriters and servers. There is already enough books, albums, paintings and other passionate things out there that will just be better than whatever you can come up with. 

You won’t know what the fuck you are doing. 

You’ve never tried it before, so why start unless you can be perfect right away. You may have thought, “maybe I can be a painter?” You have never painted in your miserable life. You don’t know how to make a canvas, mix paint and whatever else that real artists know but you don’t. 

It’s expensive to take a class and if you ask someone how to start, you’ll be admitting you don’t know something. 

You will fuck it up. 

Even if you start trying something you are passionate about, you will fuck it up. In fact, you’ll just be making mistake after mistake. You do t know how to do what you are doing. 

It’s adorable that you started doing something. It’s so cute that you are learning a new thing. It’s too bad that you will never do that thing as well as others. 

You’ll have to stick to it for a long time to get any good at it. 

You won’t just be good at something without spending a long time doing it with consistency. This is after several years of doing it not good. In fact you’ll have a whole bunch of bad years before you’ll see any kind of improvement. 

You will suck. You will hate yourself and think you are a piece of shit before you will start to feel ok with your improvements. Why put yourself through that? Why not stick to things you are just naturally good at or change your goals to fit your present actions. 

It won’t be worth it. 

Maybe you finally paint a painting that looks a lot like the mountain lake you had been painting. Now what? That painting won’t be worth anything. You will be sad and lonely because you have been learning to paint fucking landscapes instead of socializing because of you are passionate means you don’t have any time for a normal life. 

So there you are with a painting of a mountain lake that might look similar, but not as good as, a Bob Ross painting. Your life is still meaningless and shallow and now you are closer to the day you die. 

Good luck.