Cracked Pot Meditations – Drama

   Meditation for April 12th, 2016 Drama People love theatre. Watching the drama unfold of the human experience draws us in. We leave the theatre and discuss the emotions and philosophy of the actors in great depth with excitement. For a few hours we were out of ourselves.  People also love drama. As agents of […]


Meditation for April 12th, 2016


People love theatre. Watching the drama unfold of the human experience draws us in. We leave the theatre and discuss the emotions and philosophy of the actors in great depth with excitement. For a few hours we were out of ourselves. 

People also love drama. As agents of chaos, we will destroy a men’s lives to get our entertainment. We will poke and prod into their lives to learn the pain that haunts them. Other people’s pain relieved our own. 

We pretend we want to mediate between two people. This is the only way to be apart of the action without being the action itself. We listen to the different sides with faux concern and then use it against that person to the other person to make the madness go on ad infinitm. 

When we are one of two sides of an argument, we will continue to prove our case over and over again to drive the other side completely insane. We become a manical villain laughing hysterically as we hit send or post. The less important it is the more we clench our argumenetive hands around the person’s neck. 

We ask if people are okay for no other reason but to find out what theatre is happening in their lives. We relish the mistakes and social injustice that permeates some people’s lives. We find ourselves drawn to getting as close to the middle of the drama storm as we can without falling into the abyss only because of the lonliness and inadequacies we feel. 

We either cause drama or we sit on the sidelines relishing in other people’s misfortunes. Like betting on a cock fight, we shout encouragements to keep the strife alive. 

Basically humans aren’t built to just enjoy other people’s happiness. 


The Jesus between little baby and the rebellious Easter one,

I’m bored. 

I think I’ll prove this person I know wrong. 

It isn’t important. 

It costs no one their lives or even their safety,

It doesn’t hurt anyone or change the world for better or worst,

But just to make the person react. 

I just want that person to seethe in resentment. 

It only matters that I look like “I’m just saying…”

If I lives in ancient Scandanavia,

I’d be a Troll. 

I’m just bored, 

And I am unsatisfied with my life,

So I will drive a person mad. 

The Jesus that fell for one of Satan’s temptations,

Give me strength as I ask someone if they are okay. 

I mean really okay. 

With a knowing nod,

And a wise smirk,

As if I am all knowing. 

All I want is the drama,

The gossip,

The theatre of people’s suffering. 

I love tragedy. 

It is like comedy to me. 

People falling and failing

Is like heroin to me. 

I need to be standing anove others

In all my perfect glory. 

Even though I am dying inside from complete lonliness and lack of connection to others. This is how I can actually feel like a human being because I think my feelings and the only way I can know emotions is to watch others drown in them. I am Spock. I am Data. I am any of the androids from the Aliens franchise. 



Here are some ways to help cause drama. 

1. Hear someone about their significant other and then tell the significant other what that person said. Play it like you’re concerned. 

2. Have strong opinions about who your friends date. 

3. Help your friends “understand” a person, but you’re really saying that person is a real piece of shit. 

4. Pretend a person’s interest is a plague on human kind. 

5. Take up a cause against someone’s belief and keep hammering them with facts after facts why their belief system is wrong. Wrong. WRONG!

6. Be a mediator and a devil’s advocate at the same time. 

7. You are always right, they are always wrong, and never compromise. 

8. Remind someone about something painful or embarrassing that happened a long time ago every once in awhile. 

9. Gossip, gossip, gossip. Always know who is up to what, sleeping with who and failing at what. Make sure many people know…you know, because you have to talk about it. 

10. If all else fails, make something up. 


You need drama. You aren’t a helpful altruistic person, you are an agent of chaos. You need people’s shortcomings to give you excitement. You pretend to help, but it’s just to ignore your own worthless life. 

Get a cat and dress it up in outfits and pretend they are having drama. Tell stories about your cat. This will keep you away from destroying people’s lives.