Cracked Pot Meditations – Enjoy Every Moment

Meditation for July 28th, 2016 Enjoy Every Moment You only live once. You need to just take a deep breath and enjoy every moment. The amount of stress you put on yourself staying busy and being too focused on the future is making it impossible to really sit down and enjoy each moment as they […]


Meditation for July 28th, 2016

Enjoy Every Moment

You only live once. You need to just take a deep breath and enjoy every moment. The amount of stress you put on yourself staying busy and being too focused on the future is making it impossible to really sit down and enjoy each moment as they come. You don’t need external things to make yourself happy, you just need to be happy.

It’s too bad that you will never ever enjoy every moment. You are on privileged son of a bitch if you can enjoy even 50% of your moments. Life is life, and if you live a life you will not enjoy every moment.

In fact some moments are going to fucking destroy you. Some moments will make you think about not having anymore moments. Some moments will be hijacked by assholes trying to steal moments from other people. Some moments you will be in so much pain that you will not want to be in that moment at all.

A lot of your shitty moments are going to be your fault. Yes, you can read mindfulness blogs, read inspirational books and go to meditation classes, but you will still feel obligated to enjoy a moment and the rest of the world will take that from you. Your expectations will be too high, you are being punished for enjoying too much time before, and you have to work and you have responsibilities that aren’t enjoyable.

You will get sick. You can’t enjoy those moments. You might even get a disease and you might end up having your moments cease from that disease. You will be hard pressed to find a lot of enjoyable moments there. You might have to watch someone you love lose their moments to a painful disease and that will suck the enjoyment right out of a moment.

To have a many enjoyable moments you will need this list of things:

Perfect health and good looks




If you have a job, a job that doesn’t require all your time or energy



Love and support

No obstacles between you and what you want to do

Without all those things listed above, you will not enjoy 50% of your moments. Here is why:

You will be sick and get a disease and you aren’t good looking enough to attract people to want to help you with anything.

It’s never your time. It’s your kids time, your spouses time, your job’s time, your needy friends time, the court’s time, prison time…

You will always have to make more money. The way “normal” Americans live require hundreds of thousands of credit debt.


You might have to work harder to try and catch up with those that have a head start.

If you have a job, then not only do you have to go to the job, but you have to get enough sleep, eat for the energy to do the job, get to the job with some sort of transportation and think about work when you’re not even there even if you aren’t trying to. This takes up 20.7 hours of your day.

Unless you have privilege, you’ll be using your down time to binge watch TV, go down Internet rabbit holes or just drink yourself stupid, so any time left over to do anything you could enjoy has been stolen by your lack of personal will strength.

If you’re not extremely smart, you have to walk around confused. Just seeing a new coffee menu can be daunting for most people. You can’t enjoy your moments if you don’t understand what’s going on.

A lot of people have to face the world alone. They don’t have any love and support. Most people are fake ass people, so they don’t love and support anyone, so they find themselves not loving or supporting anyone. This can make moments unbearable.

Money, time, health, discipline are all things that allow people to do whatever they want and therefore enjoy the shit out of life. How many times, because you have to be realistic, you have to say no to helo-skiing in the Andes? 

Those yoga mindfulness blogs that populate the Internet are for rich privileged people. If you are poor and dealing with social alienation, then you will have a real hard time finding a moment to enjoy.

Good luck.

*Pink Floyd songs