Meditation for January 28th, 2016
When we are born, we are born with DNA. These are our genetic traits that make what we are up. We are also introduced to memes that are cultural characteristics that are passed down generation to generation. There are religious memes, nationality memes and geographical memes. Being drawn to monogamous relationships is a meme and the color of your eyes is from your DNA. Memes don’t have to be set in stone.
Today memes are just idiotic pictures with words on them found on Reddit and then on click bait sites a month later and finally Time will cover it a year later. We have Scumbag Steve, Overly Attached Girlfriend, Ancient Aliens Guy, Bad Luck Brian, Doge and many others that are seen all over the internet. People even make them to make very serious points about the direction culture is heading in and political opinions. Whole democracies have been saved by a single Captain Picard face palm meme.
That also means that meme jokes are getting smaller and more inside and exclusive. These are not memes that represent cultural characteristics passed down generations, but passed down by a few people within a week before being completely shunned.
I ended up at a party where a lot of people were in their early to mid twenties. They were DJing the party by playing YouTube. All of the sudden these four kids were one upping each other by trying to find the worst 80s song possible, but would only let about 20 seconds of a song play before jumping on and changing it to whatever they had just thought of.
Live the long game.
Dearest Flying Spaghetti Monster
I know you are floating around space,
existing and stuff,
but there are these guys who believe in some dude named Yeah Way and his son Jay Suss and his brother Holey Spar It.
Please find it in your noodle wisdom to smite these people.
They are driving the discourse in civilization,
and excluding people,
at the benefit of others.
Smite them in hot boiling water, strained and then ladle hot tomato meat sauce on their wicked boiled bodies.
Bonus Prayer
Allah Akbar,
you know who is super annoying?
They’d rather be right than accepting.
They’d rather belittle and bully,
than help others and build society.
If you really want to make the world a better place,
make them the target of your Fatwas.
Find a picture of me and try to make me a famous Meme. The only rules are don’t be mean to me or anyone else. Just funny. Winner gets a high five.
Slow down. Slow down and listen to a whole album. Research where things come from. How did that become to be? Slow down and savor the world you live in instead of zipping through only enjoying the cliff notes or the latest resurgence of something or another. If you like an artist find out what their inspiration was and then track back the inspirations. Read the whole article. Don’t ever get your opinion made up just by the headline and the picture.
Don’t be a fad whore. Be yourself.