Cracked Pot Meditations – Osama bin Laden Was A Fan Of Jesus

Meditation for December 25th, 2016 Osama bin Laden Was A Fan Of Jesus Merry Christmas. This is the final installment of the Cracked Pot Meditations war on Christmas blog posts. Were you annoyed that I kept posting Christmas posts? Was it as annoying as say, seeing decorations and hearing the music for two months?!?  Christians […]

Meditation for December 25th, 2016

Osama bin Laden Was A Fan Of Jesus

Merry Christmas. This is the final installment of the Cracked Pot Meditations war on Christmas blog posts. Were you annoyed that I kept posting Christmas posts? Was it as annoying as say, seeing decorations and hearing the music for two months?!? 

Christians feel attacked by those of us that really would prefer to say, ‘happy holidays’ rather than ‘merry Christmas’. They think it is a front on their religion. 

These same religious members also voted someone in that wants to keep a Muslim registry. Now, I openly admit to a secular war on Christmas, but those Muslims that you are afraid of including the few that are actually terrorists: huge fans of Jesus Christ.

Here is what is in the Quran:

  • The Quran acknowledges the Old Testament, or Torah, as truth and as holy as their own book, the Quran. 
  • They believe Jesus’s virgin birth, that he is a prophet of God, and he will rise again to defeat the Antichrist. 
  • While the Quran isn’t very female friendly, the Quran does have a whole book dedicated to Mary, the birth mother of Jesus, and she is mentioned more times in the Quran than in the New Testement. 
  • Muslims say “Peace be with you.”
  • Muslims believe all the miracles that Jesus performed, the healing, the division of loaves and fishes, and the whole rising from the dead thing. 
  • The Quran also talks about the First Miracle in greater detail. Jesus spoke at his birth, Christmas. He said to the three wise men and the little drummer boy, “O Mary! Thou hast brought an amazing thing! O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not an evil man, nor was thy mother unchaste.” Then she pointed to him [Jesus]. They said, “How shall we speak to one who is yet a child in the cradle?Truly I am a servant of God. He has given me the Book and made me a prophet. He has made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and has enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I live, and [has made me] dutiful toward my mother. And He has not made me domineering, wretched. Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am raised alive!” 

That has more proof of what Jesus’s point on earth than anything said in the New Testament. 

When Mohammed spread the word of his new books, he claimed solidarity with both the Jews and the Christians, for they too were born of the book, the Bible. 

This makes Muslims not from a competing enemy religion, but religious siblings, your brothers and sisters. 

So while Osama bin Laden despised the capitalism, greed, and economic colonialism of the west, he loved and cherished little baby Jesus, and in fact sought his power and felt justified in all of his actions by Jesus’s dad.

Happy Holidays from all of us here at Cracked Pot Meditations. Remember to keep up the war on Christmas and make everyone say Happy Holidays. The only reason for P.C. Culture is to make your life uncomfortable and inconvenient.