Cracked Pot Meditations – People, Man. 

Meditation for October 13th, 2016 People, Man.  People used to drink milk lattes – latte literally means milk in Italian. They would get 16 ounces of hot steamed milk and espresso.  And then They said milk is bad. It hurts animals and They said milk isn’t even good for you. Some people are lactose intolerant […]

Meditation for October 13th, 2016

People, Man. 

People used to drink milk lattes – latte literally means milk in Italian. They would get 16 ounces of hot steamed milk and espresso. 

And then They said milk is bad. It hurts animals and They said milk isn’t even good for you. Some people are lactose intolerant and other people say they are lactose intolerant. 

So they started ordering soy. Soy was a great lactose free plant based alternative. All the nature stores and hippy cafes started offering soy. 

Then They said that soy causes cancer and how it grows is bad for the environment. They said it is tearing down huge chunks out of the rainforest – even more than any other crop or ranch. They said it doesn’t help the body all that much and that it makes it easier for cancer to grow. 

So they switched to almond milk. It steams like soy and milk, but it is just tree nuts, so no worries there, it has protein, and it doesn’t cause cancer. Almond mill made it’s way into the hearts and mouths of people everywhere. 

Then They said that almonds are the very reason that California is going through a terrible drought. Gallons of water is used to quench the almond’ thirst. So much, California has to get water from other states. So much, that it is on fire. 

So they switched back to soy. 

People, man.