Cracked Pot Meditations – Somebody Lies to You Everyday

Meditation for April 30th, 2016 Somebody Lies to You Everyday Living an honest and open life is a great goal and can be mastered if one does not interact with other people ever. Every time you are communicating with a person, you have to not tell all the truth, omit or down right lie to […]

Meditation for April 30th, 2016

Somebody Lies to You Everyday

Living an honest and open life is a great goal and can be mastered if one does not interact with other people ever. Every time you are communicating with a person, you have to not tell all the truth, omit or down right lie to that person. This means that every time you are conversing with a person, they too are lying to you. 

No, they did not cut the job while you were waiting to find out if you got the job. You didn’t get the job. You weren’t good enough. Maybe they saw a sensitivity in you during your interviews that they decided to “cut the position” rather than just reject you. 

Oh my god! You wore that? Everyone is telling you how cute your outfit is, but all that means is you will wear this “outfit” again. When people say they think your outfit is cute and you know they have no intention of sleeping with you, they are lying. If they have intentions to sleep with you, then they too are lying. 

You have great friends. They tell you that you are so talented. They think you really have that special something that will carry you to the big times. They just don’t want you to eat a bullet because you actually suck, or worse: just mediocre at whatever art you love to do. 

They look so sad and you keep asking them if they’re okay and they keep saying yes, but what they want is for you to leave them alone because you are the last person they want to talk to about any of their problems. Remember the last time you tried to help and just made it about you and then followed up with phone calls giving advice? Yeah, you suck at comforting. 

You think everyone agrees with you because no one is challenging your opinion. Actually they are all screaming at you inside their heads, but they just want this moment of you saying really stupid shit to pass. 

Your grandma will always say you’re handsome or beautiful. Your friends will always think your great and support you no matter what. Your coworkers don’t want to have an uncomfortable moment with you. The stranger just doesn’t want to get into how what you said was dumb. People would rather lie than deal with you on an honest real level. 


Goddess of Hurting Graces

Yes, you look beautiful in that. 

No, I don’t need any help. 

I got this. 

I’m fine. 

You are doing great. 

That was so wonderful. 

You are so talented. 

You just be you. 

I can’t think of anything wrong with that. 

Wow, you are really good at this. 

I love it!

This tastes wonderful. 

Nothing’s wrong. 

Just be yourself. 

You should do this for a living. 

Why aren’t you getting paid to do this?

You should be a comedian. 

You should be a politician. 

You should be a teacher. 

You should be a serial killer who actually gets away with it causing the detective who tirelessly pursues you to go slowly insane and then becomes a serial killer himself to try and figure out how you did it. 

You’d be a great dad. 



Don’t take this as some sort of sign that you need more honesty in your life. This isn’t a plea for people to go around saying how it is. You can’t be a sassy hard-to-get-along-with genius in the vein of House or Sherlock Holmes and treat people shitty, and people find your genius but socially ineptness endearing.

Little lies and some exaggeration can strengthen friendships and make a person happy for a few minutes. 

You don’t have to be right all the time. No one has the job of correcting the world because nothing is important enough for someone to be a professional asshole. Unless you want to die alone and hated, just let the idiots juggle their shit happily. 


Lie and accept lies. This is how civilization works. Truth is so grey, but lies are so concrete and real.