Cracked Pot Meditations – The Generations

Meditation for August 8th, 2016 The Generations There has been a lot of talk about the Millennial generation and how terrible they are. According to one survey, Millennials rather play Pokémon Go than have sex. They stare at their phones. They need to be told compliments all the time. They are too soft.  Let’s look […]

Meditation for August 8th, 2016

The Generations

There has been a lot of talk about the Millennial generation and how terrible they are. According to one survey, Millennials rather play Pokémon Go than have sex. They stare at their phones. They need to be told compliments all the time. They are too soft. 

Let’s look at the previous generations and see how we got to this generation. 


1910 – 1946

The self proclaimed greatest generation. What an egotistical bunch of malarkey. More like a generation of really old people that miss a simpler time when racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia was not just ok, it was encouraged. 

They think they are owed thanks for Americas greatness, when in actuality they owe all of us an apology for really ruining a nice system of government for financial gain. Guys, you fucked us. 

Now you vote and think Donald Trump is going to return is to the time of Eisenhower. Your too old to even understand your own system and how badly off the rails it went. 

Die so the United States can go into a rebuilding year like a sports team after it get rid of its last has been washed up free agent. Let the young talent actually play. 

Baby Boomers

1946 – 1963

The childrens of the greatest generation. Not exactly able to live up to the hype of the greater generation. Forced to chase the dreams that the elders held for them. 

Some of you grew your hair long, burned your bras and like, fought the man, man. Some of you fought for equal rights from the institutionalized racist system the greatest generation ever put in place. Some of you just pretend you did interesting things then. 

Some of you fought in a pointless war to protect capitalist interests overseas. 

Then you got greedy. You had kids and you ditched your VWs for SAABs and chased the almighty dollar. 

That’s why the Eagles started to suck so bad when they stopped doing SoCal country and started doing LA cocaine anthems. 

Now you are the status quo, just like your parents. 

Generation X

1964 – 1983

Whatever, man. 


Watched the hippy parents join the system. Watched the disillusioning era post Vietnam. Fucking Reagan. Watched the worse recession ever hit because of Reaganomics allowing industry and jobs to go over seas. 

Not as excited about college, marriage and having kids. Now all of culture is playing on our childhood tastes. Comic books, D&D, and what have you. 

Why are generation Xers so disenfranchised and cynical?

The Energy Crisis of the 1970s


Iran Contra (1980s)

Nuclear Disasters including Three-Mile Island

Silkwood/Kerr McGee

Union Carbide and Chernobyl

Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

Widespread Layoffs of the 1980s

Dot Com Boom and Bust of the 1990s

Corporate Greed

Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal

I’m sure there are other events, but it just seems like this system controlled by such powerful people that why fucking care?

Xers grew up as latchkey kids from divorced broken families and absent fathers. They spent way more time alone than the previous generation. 

Now they never want to grow up after growing up too fast. 

A lot of older Millenials wish they were Xers. Better music. 

Millennials or Generation Why?

1984 – 2004

Now do you get it. They were screwed by the very beginning. In a system that doesn’t work to not have a lot of hope of achieving the things the great grandparents and grandparents got with those GI bills. 

Socially they live online because they can’t stand face to face communication. There is no adventure in discovery anymore. They don’t even have the fun of finding nudity like previous generations – it’s just on the World Wide Web. How wonder sex is meh to them. 

They are more conservative and traditional then the past two generations. They see a really old clunky system that is small and useless. They see the world as a whole. 

They aren’t fighting the man like boomers and Xers are or were, they are grooming themselves to be the man. 

Bow down to your new overlords. Being on time to work is no longer a thing. Hell, no show no call is no reason to get fired. The millennials will make texting your excuse a normal etiquette. 

The average family will have .25 kids. 

Marriage will be three years or less. 

Santa will be real. 

VR will become very popular. 

The US will see its first anime president and Vice President Chris Carrabba. 

Music will suck even more. 

Women will want to be a purplish orange color, be the measurements of 42/34/48 and under 5 foot. 

Men will want to be orang purple and permanent oily. Frosted tips will make a comeback. 

After so much cultural saturation of anime and Nintendo, Japan will finally be able to take over the Unites States of America. 

We won’t notice. 

Books will cease to exist.