Cracked Pot Meditations – The Very Spiritual Reason Not To Stand During The National Anthem

Meditation for September 1st, 2016 The Very Spiritual Reason Not To Stand During The National Anthem Colin Kaepernick, a hand egg player that plays the thrower position, sat in protest during the playing of our national anthem. Surprisingly, this created quite an uproar. People were very upset that a half black person would be angry […]

Meditation for September 1st, 2016

The Very Spiritual Reason Not To Stand During The National Anthem

Colin Kaepernick, a hand egg player that plays the thrower position, sat in protest during the playing of our national anthem. Surprisingly, this created quite an uproar. People were very upset that a half black person would be angry enough to choose that as a protest.

Colin Kaepernick (quah-peer-neak) said that he wouldn’t stand for a flag that oppresses black people or people of color.

People were very upset and bravely ran to their Facebook to post arguments and memes to declare Colin Kaepernick, quarterback of the Santa Clara 49ers, a complete villain.

What were their arguments?

What about black on black crime, Colleen?

Colin sat because of the crimes against blacks and other people of color perpetrated by whites and the establishment. So some scholars point out a fallacy by saying, “Yeah, but!” and stating that black people also hurt and kill other black people.

White people also kill and hurt other white people.

Actually the biggest violent demographic is men. Men aren’t smart enough to use words or any kind of diplomacy, so they need violence. Maybe women should sit out the anthem, but hey! Women have been know to hurt and kill other women!

Well here is where it is slightly different, Jethro: from 1776 till December 6th, 1865 the United States enjoyed legal slavery, and most of the slaves came from Africa. This was rationalized by the Christian Bible and the curse of Ham. Then the slaves were freed and everyone was happy! No. The blacks were not accepted by their own southerners nor were they necessarily accepted by the heroes up north, so they were stuck in a land that hated them now that they were “free”. The establishment made some laws that helped whites get used to free blacks, but they were keeping the blacks segregated until laws were passed in 1965.

This means black Americans were not given the same education, housing, healthcare, careers as their white counterparts until well into the 1970s, so now you expect blacks to be perfect?

This is without talking about the mass incarceration of black men since 1965, when the civil rights act was signed.

Legless troops stand up, so why can’t this non-troop person!?!

Soldiers are the bravest people I know. We have got accustomed to a certain amount of freedom and we pay a lot of money, I MEAN A LOT OF MONEY to protect that freedom. That means the soldiers are protecting Colin Kaepernick’s right to not stand up for the national anthem. In fact the only place on earth where standing up to your flag and singing the national anthem is legal with the threat of death for disgracing the flag is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or North Korea.

You see, soldiers in the United States volunteer. They have chosen to carry out the most dangerous profession on earth. We, the United States, use our soldiers all over this world to be ready to ensure that not only our rights and freedoms are protected, but the interests of our economy.

Colin Kaepernick does not choose his lot in life. He did not choose his race, his birth class, nor how people treat him, but he can choose to sit during any song he likes.

The national anthem and the flag is a representation of us, not just the military. This has been a stupid point made by many idiots. The military is fighting for us not a fucking song or a flag. Putting that much stock into symbols and songs is just ignorance about what is freedom. In fact, Colin Kaepernick displayed more freedom is sitting than I’ve seen in my lifetime. The military made that possible. So veterans can feel proud that the idea that we are the land of the free and is so for another day is a great success.

Too rich to say shit

Colin Kaepernick is a quarterback from a pretty good team in the NFL. The NFL is one of the greatest examples of how communism can work well, even in a capitalist society. You see, the NFL have a hard cap on salaries paid to their players. This means that no one can get paid a lot more than others. This is non existence in Baseball (pure capitalism), and there is a soft cap in the NBA where teams pay luxury taxes to pay players more (capitalism in the key of Bernie Sanders).

You can’t fault a guy for wanting to take a stand (or a sit haha) but you can’t take his financial amount be a factor because America has shown that money is the only way one can have a voice. You need millions of dollars and be inside a party establishment to be an elected official. You have to have millions of dollars to pay for laws to pass in your favor, so why can’t a rich person also use his or her fame and fortune to fight the unjust?

Donald Trump wants to make America great again. I’m sure he believes that America was a little better before than it is now. What does he do? He runs for president. He isn’t a politician. He has no policy experience at all. He just this not-so-savvy businessman that inherited everything he has. Do you fault him for being too rich to make America great again? He is literally trying to destroy the Great Experiment, but because he’s rich, he gets to do whatever he wants. There are professors of economics and political science that are better policy makers than Trump, but they don’t have the money. Money and power is what makes a statement heard.

If you don’t like it, leave it!

This is my favorite argument for any criticism against the country, unless it is Barak Hussein Obama. If you “hate” America so much, why don’t you “leave” it. There are two disses in this. One is that the sayer of this statement wants the offender to leave. The sayer is also saying good luck finding a place as great as here.

Colin is from here. He was born an American. He also works here and all of his stuff is here. The great thing about being American is that you get to be born here, still criticize the shit out of where you are born, and you get to.

This is the supposed meaning of the national anthem, but it has been corrupted by racism, religion, corruption, greed, and Ronald Reagan.

Kaepernick even says, “When there’s significant change and I feel like that flag represents what it’s supposed to represent in this country, I’ll stand,” He is saying that the flag and the anthem means something meaningful, but right now our, the United States, isn’t acting like it. We aren’t walking our walk.

Look at this person that is better than Colin Kaepernick who stands up!

Yes, that is a powerful image of a legless vet standing up for the national anthem. Yes, this person who died in Iraq is a hero and also black, but is much more respectable to the national anthem.

What this argument tells me is that all people must be the same. This means that black people should act white and legless people should act like people with legs.


Jehovah Witnesses don’t stand up for the national anthem and it is just that Jehovah is better than the United States of America, and I don’t see racist rednecks getting all bent out of shape over that one. One is literal myth and the other is a pretty strongly backed opinion.

People point out Glen Coffee and Pat Tillman as heroes more deserving of our affection. Glen Coffee and Colin Kaepernick are the same age and drafted in the same round. One is a quarterback and the other is in the military. If that logic is sound then there would be no NFL, just a huge army of ex-professional athletes. Someone has to throw the old pig skin around on Sunday.

What about college football? Here are all these young athletic men that could be standing up for the flag instead of not being paid to play football. In patriotism as rednecks see it is true, then there should be three great college football teams, Army, Navy and Air Force. Now we have a bunch of educated football players instead who want to fuck up our white democracy.

Besides, the military has had a minority problem since they allowed people of color to join, and that is the whites are underrepresented in active combat troops compared to the actual population of the United States and overrepresented in the reserves. Whites are enjoying their freedom because of combat troops of color.

Why were people disgusted with Tim Tebow and not Colin Kaepernick?

Because again, Tim Tebow was celebrating a myth while Colin Kaepernick is fighting injustice. Plus, no one likes Tim Tebow. At least, and this is not saying Kaepernick is a good quarterback, but he can throw left.

Also Colin Kaepernick has prayer circles after games. So he also believes in the very myths that seeks to destroy people of color.




One Comment

  1. Now hear this… Hey, the rednecks are fighting on Facebook and dieing (brain) for their opinions . Engelbert Kaperdink is fighting on the sidelines and dieing (stats) for his beliefs. I fought and dyed (my hair) in the military for the constitution, and thus the right of all involved to do all of the above… That is all.

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