Cracked Pot Meditations – Tomorrow is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Meditation for November 7th, 2016 Tomorrow is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life While the visual is lost on Oregon voters who get to mail or drop off their ballots, but tomorrow voters will be heading to the polls to cast their vote for the next President of the United States of […]

Meditation for November 7th, 2016

Tomorrow is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

While the visual is lost on Oregon voters who get to mail or drop off their ballots, but tomorrow voters will be heading to the polls to cast their vote for the next President of the United States of America. This could mean a lot of unhappiness for at least four years depending on who you are. 

Some will vote for the lady who will probably keep things going the same direction as Obama. Others will vote with hate in their heart for Trump. Other selfish insane idiots will vote for Dr. Jill Stein who invests in the very company that makes the vaccines she says causes autism. Some will vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian white privileged dummy who can’t even name the head of the Russian state who is pulling Trump’s strings. 

Some of you didn’t vote at all. Thank you. 

Hillary is likely to win, but a lot of you just reluctantly voted for her, so any shenanigans will turn you red in the face. 

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. 

The country’s duality won’t end when someone is elected. The one side never shut up when Bush was president, and now the other side won’t shut up. If Hillary wins, the European Americans will scream from the trees and blogs like bloated howler monkees. 

Everything she does will be under a microscope. She will be judged with a fine tooth comb through the hairs of her policies. 

The right will try to whip up the anti-intellectualism that it spent so long building with the help of religion and patriotism. People that are educated are the enemy. People that are smart are the evil mad scientists from the sci-fi movies taking over the earth. 

No one is going to be happy tomorrow.  Not really. The candidates powerful spin teams and PR gurus did their jobs. You have lost all faith in either one of them to do anything well. 

Unfortunately, Secretary Clinton is going to do a fine job. She will make mistakes and make decisions we disagree with, but she is going to do a fine job. You won’t believe it though. 

You are going to buy every click bait article Facebook throws at you with its sensationalism headlines. You’ll blame it on the media, but look in the mirror. You won’t read long articles, you only watch TV shows and movies that are “trending”, so these “news” sites just need you to click on the site even if it’s article isn’t even true. 

You gave up on newspapers and magazines with the slow story. A journalist can’t wait to get all the facts before posting it, you want everything in internet speeds, not microwave speeds, and certainly not newspaper speeds. 

You want and live like a fucking dummy. 

Nothing is simply explained by a short funny meme. “This means that” is too simple for what actually has made America become this America. It has taken the mistakes of several generations to get here. You have helped. 

Your entitlement to a hands off approach to politics other than the occasional “debate” on Facebook until the presidential election has made it easier for a snake charming reality star to use the dance of entertainment to attract voters. All the boring real politicians didn’t get votes. Their policy was boring and too complicated, you needed better sound bites. 

This is why Bernie did so well with you ideal dumb kids, he had great sound bites that gave promises of a utopia that any political science teacher knows can’t be made. We have checks and balances to keep that kind of government from existing here. 

Hillary actually has policies she wants to put in place. She is smart and calculating. She has experience and connections. She will only be doing things the wrong way for the right reasons to those that disagree. 

A lot of people will swear this is all the end of America as we know it. They will put on their tri-corner hat and cry doom! They will feel treaded upon even if nothing has happened. 

Trump might win. He might become President of the United States of America. He won’t be fine. He is reactionary and has no idea what he’s doing. He thinks leadership is just swagger. Reagan had a lot more than swagger, and he almost destroyed the economy.  

If Trump becomes president, it is those that didn’t vote’s fault, the ones that needed to vote with “conscience”, the millenials that were mad about Bernie, those that will only vote on party lines, the ones that did or to help America hit bottom. I blame those that spent too much time on Facebook arguing and reading “articles”. I blame those that only see the small world instead of the big world. I blame those that only think of themselves and not the people around them that are affected by government. 

Just fucking stop trying to be right all the time and love each other.