Cracked Pot Meditations – Walking Down the Wrong Side of the Road

Meditation for April 20th, 2016 Walking Down the Wrong Side of the Road Things just happen. There is no explanation or creative intelligence behind it, but things just happen. Religion and science try to answer why these things happen, but sometimes it goes against God’s reason and the law of nature. In the theory of […]


Meditation for April 20th, 2016

Walking Down the Wrong Side of the Road

Things just happen. There is no explanation or creative intelligence behind it, but things just happen. Religion and science try to answer why these things happen, but sometimes it goes against God’s reason and the law of nature. In the theory of multi-verses, you just walking down one side of the road means nothing will become of you and the other side you didn’t walk down equaled fame and fortune.

Bad things happen because you made the wrong decision. The only problem, unlike rom coms where the hero gets another chance to chase the true love at the airport or the wedding where the love is about to marry a jerk, is that we don’t get that second chance. All the bad things in our lives can stem from one insignificant decision.

Deciding to drive instead of take the bus will destroy your chances of ever being loved. Going to Thai food instead of Mexican means you will just die alone. Watching that one more episode means you will never feel a fulfillment with life and will always feel like a stranger’s ghost.

Maybe you’re the type that has to really weigh the pros and cons of every decision you make. Maybe you need time to marinate on what choice to make. Well, this means to be even more diligent with what your conclusion will be. It isn’t about the possibilities; it is also about the unknowable. You could be ending your chance at lifetime just by deciding to do laundry a day early.

Maybe you’re the type to be spontaneous with your decision-making. Maybe you don’t put a lot of thought in what you’re choosing. Well, you may need to slow down, cowboy, because you might be unhappy and angry because you keep making the wrong decisions.

It is the right decision at the time, sure, but maybe doing the right thing is keeping you and joy from ever meeting each other. Maybe it is time to think about yourself and not others this time. You might have missed some great opportunity to realize your dream from being nice and ethical. Who knows?

It isn’t just you that you’re affecting with your choices, other people are being hurt and missing out on their happiness from your life verdicts. You decide to bring an umbrella instead of wearing a rain jacket means your sibling doesn’t get the promotion they were counting on. It is your fault. This is why you feel bad when people are hurt or don’t get what they want because subconsciously you are guilty.

You even make strangers’ life plans changed by which way you go. Nothing is just ok. Something you do negatively affects someone else in the world. Just buying new clothes keeps people in West Africa in poverty.



The alarm is going off,

It is 5am.

I didn’t think about what I will wear today.

It’ll be warm,

So maybe I will wear shorts.

But what if I need to look more professional?

What if hot coffee splashes on my leg and burns me?

What if I walk across a park and a rattlesnake strikes me?

What if the temperature isn’t that hot and I get cold?

What if my hairy fat legs get made fun of?

If I wear the shorts, do I have to wear a short sleeve shirt?

Button up, pull over or t-shirt?

I don’t want to wear a t-shirt because of my boil,

And t-shirts aren’t classy.

That leaves a plaid button up, a solid color button up or a pull over oxford.

The very future of my life is depending on this decision!

Ok, there.

This outfit will do.


I guess I’ll have to die.



How to play the card game Assumption:

You’ll need a tarot deck, without the major arcana.

You’ll need exactly 13 players.

DON’T PLAY OVER WATER (on a boat or on a houseboat)


All players ante.

First two cards are dealt face down.

Third card is dealt face up.

Players go through a normal round of poker betting.

Fourth card is dealt face up.

Players go through a normal round of poker betting.

Now comes the “mating” of the cards. Starting with the player on the left of the dealer, each player may either bid on other player’s cards. They only see the two face up cards, so the two initial cards are a surprise. A player may sell the cards for the offering price or see if they can get more, or hold out to buy someone else’s hand. This goes until there are as many hands mated.

Now the hands are “conceived” and the players each have 8 cards to create a poker hand with.

Now the players with conceived hands get rid of their three most undesirable cards.

Now a third round of betting ensues.

Best five-card poker hand wins.

The owner of the “conceived” hand wins 90% of the pot and the player who sold the cards, “the Parent”, gets 10%.

As a final challenge, “the Parent” can match the whole winning pot, and if the “conceived” accepts the whole deck is reshuffled and cut in half.

The two play a quick game of War and pick cards from their decks.

The highest card wins the card.

The loser gets the winner’s soul.


Just remember that whatever you do, right or wrong, you are going to ruin someone’s life.