Cracked Pot Meditations – Why You Can’t Think For Yourself

Meditation for August 10th, 2016 Why You Can’t Think For Yourself You want to be an individual who makes good choices and lives with free will, but you aren’t. There are reasons why you can’t. You want to make the world a better place, but at the end of the day you feel apathetic or […]

Meditation for August 10th, 2016

Why You Can’t Think For Yourself

You want to be an individual who makes good choices and lives with free will, but you aren’t. There are reasons why you can’t. You want to make the world a better place, but at the end of the day you feel apathetic or really into a cause that does nothing really for anyone. You feel like you should vote a certain way, but something keeps you from voting your conscience.

What is it? What is making you unable to think for yourself? What is making it impossible to be a real human being making very real choices?


You were vaccinated for small pox, tetnis and other diseases. They claimed that it wiped out polio and the scarlet fever, but in all reality it is to make you docile and subservient to the cause. Side effects include autism, catching the vaccinated disease anyway and no love from crystal magic. Crystals fucking hate vaccines. Keep your kids away from vaccines, or you will be raising the next Donald Trump or Charlie Sheen.


This is tricky because it is science and it is helping poor people, but studies have shown poor people that have fluoride in their water are still poor – and voting for terrible people. Wake up sheeple, fluoride is making you a zombie: go to work, mow the lawn, go to work, mow the lawn, go to work, mow the lawn…


You see them criss cross the sky on a sunny blue day and the blue makes way to a hazy silver blanket that mists mind control chemicals all over the cities and countrysides. Next thing you know we’re all gaga over a Kardashian or a Bieber and the real issues are forgotten. Obey. Consume.


Not only is this a great place for other people under the influence of chemtrails and fluoride to express their opinions, but the government, through media empires, can post articles to make you think exactly the way they want you to think. Bernie Bros, #imwithher and Trump brownshirts are all being swayed by Buzzfeed, Breitbart, Vice, Huffington Post, the Blaze and a million other controlled media. 


The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program in Alaska is said to be studying transmitting radio waves through the ionosphere, but it is probably causing earthquakes and controlling your mind. Do you think all the transmitters are pointing out?

How do you get free of the mind control all around you? Here are some tips to keep your will free. 


Cover your forearms with tattoos so that the chemicals are blocked out by the mist repellent ink. To keep the HAARP waves from soaking into your skin, birds and nautical tattoos will deflect the waves into the atmosphere. 

Wear all black

This way the mind control can’t specifically target you. They’ll have to use melee strikers rather than use huge burst and blast attacks. Even though you don’t do any labor, wear heavy denim and patch any holes with patches of under appreciated terribly produced rock bands. 

Do not bathe

Cleanliness is next to mind controlling. Smelling like shit and covered in grime is a lot like Arnold Scwartzeneger covering himself in mud so the predator couldn’t use its advanced optics to find him. Predators got their technology from us. Don’t bathe and they can’t find you. You’re just a piece of earth. 

Live in squalor

Live in really badly maintained rental homes with no less than seven of your friends and make sure that each person has a large pet (cat or bigger) and one small pet (cat and smaller). The home must not be maintained at all and must be left broken and the landlord unaware of any damage. Only the comfort seekers can be found by the mind control. 

Pretend what you are doing is radical and a subculture. 

This way the government will be studying your movements and decisions for figuring out what possible trend will eek out of these edgy hipsters. They never understand that it’s just the same thing time after time: be cool, listen to similar music, try to have sex and use drugs and alcohol. Pretend to be pissed at the status quo. 

Do these things before it’s too late. Without conforming to the mindcontrol free crowd, you will find yourself interested in pop culture from 80s to now, a bizarre love for reality TV, a general malaise for extreme opinions and a love for places like Costco, IKEA and Home Depot.