Even though time and space don’t matter in this world, the Fool ran into the Knight of Wands somewhere and sometime. It was in a hot desert full of sand dunes. Up and down he walked over those dunes. It was like being lost in a sea of sand. He saw a snake swimming across […]

Even though time and space don’t matter in this world, the Fool ran into the Page of Wands somewhere and sometime. It was Hermes, and Hermes was older than he is, as old as the Sun, but maybe the Fool didn’t meet the Sun yet. In any event, they met when the messenger was sitting […]

While the Fool was lifted through the clouds of scarabs, he found himself in a forest. It was a thick evergreen forest. He decided to walk over the soft grassy forest floor and explore. The trunks of the trees had complicated bark patterns on them. They almost spelled out a message. The Fool stood in […]

The Chariot shot down the road with the peacock and ostrich trying to go in different directions and the charioteer yelling gibberish. They came to a dark forest, and the charioteer yelled that the Fool ought to take a break and stretch his legs. The Fool got out and fell to the ground. He’d forgotten […]

As the sea receded from the rock he sat on, the Fool saw the ruins of the Tower. It was a strong, tall tower one minute and the next it was lying in sandy mud. He decided to walk towards the ruins anyway, to see where he might go next.  He got about halfway there […]

The Hierophant and the Fool toured the grounds of the Castle-Of-Many-Uses. They came through an archway in the city wall and found a tall field of sunflowers. A loud and violent cacophony of cracks was coming from within the flower field. Among the sunflowers, the Fool saw five naked men hitting each other with long […]

Temperance beckoned the Fool to follow. They came out onto a desert and in the distance was a large walled temple. Closer to where the Fool and Temperance stood were four staves holding up a palm leaf roof. A man and a woman stood in the shade below it. That is a Sukkah, Temperance said, […]

A hot wind blew through the trees as the Fool sat at the Empress’s feet. He looked out towards the desert and saw a figure standing there with their robe, a bisht, flapping in the wind. The Fool stood up and walked over to the silhouette. The man stood by a well in the sand. […]