Love is never a constant and steady thing where one feels it and if it is the one true love, never goes away. Love is fickle. Love is an action that one takes when they don’t feel it, to be grateful when one does feel it, and to never take the other person for granted. […]

New podcast up, and Max and I discuss important albums. Music is the media that helps us remember time, memories, and feelings. Here is a link to the playlist for your audio pleasure. Sorry about the sound quality, we are hoping to fix the issue, but it was such great content we posted it anyway.

After that last post bemoaning the lack of creativity, I am going to put up some stuff that I’ve done for your enjoyment, especially since a lot of you are cooped up in your homes. Hopefully, there is something that you can be entertained by. Currently, I am co-hosting a podcast with Max over at […]

Max Kramer over at Young & Fictitious and I recorded an episode of The Dave Fisher Not Quite an Hour Hour after a long sabbatical. Max and I diacuss the weird relationship we have with technology and the ethics of it’s use. A huge topic to handle in not quite an hour.

Yesterday was my 5-year anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer. No one wrote on my Facebook wall, called, or sent me any presents. In my life, this anniversary has as much to do with who I am as my birthday, my sobriety date, and my wedding anniversary. It’s a bittersweet date. I was one kind […]