Yesterday was my 5-year anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer. No one wrote on my Facebook wall, called, or sent me any presents. In my life, this anniversary has as much to do with who I am as my birthday, my sobriety date, and my wedding anniversary. It’s a bittersweet date. I was one kind […]

I’m not sure how old I was, my brother was there, my parents told me I was adopted. All they knew was that my biological father was Sicilian. Sicily became to be this place of magic and mystery to me. Sicilian customs, such as Catholicism and the Mafia, we’re attractive to me. Before I go […]

Life can be cruel. Heartbreak, disease, our own mental illnesses and disease, loss, bad work situations, and all kinds of obstacles in our life’s journey. We want a solution to that pain. We want something to alleviate the seemingly never ending terror and for some of us, we want a healthy solution. Cue minimalist piano […]