Meditation for October 23rd, 2016 Self Help Guru The self help book section at bookstores is growing and growing because people are getting more and more self absorbed. They want a magic saying or recipe that will make them happy and rich.  There just isn’t a thing. Either you’re going to be ok because of […]

Meditation for October 22nd, 2016 Don’t Unfriend All Those Who Disagree It has been quite the election season. The whole country seems on edge. Families all over this great country of ours are splitting down the middle and then there is the posts on Facebook.  Many of you simply unfriend, or if you are a […]

Meditation for October 20th, 2016 How To Become A Ghost The first thing you have to do is die. There are no such thing as a live ghost. There is this apparition that stays on this plane of existence to haunt or seek closure before being able to go fully away.  Life line was cut […]

Meditation for October 19th, 2016 Spirituality & Driving Cars is the most popular form of transportation in America. Even in cities where we live cramped on top of each other, we choose to drive to get from point A to point 2.  Can a person drive and remain spiritual? No.  It is never fast enough  […]

Meditation for October 18th, 2016 I Herby… I am a master of a lot of things. Meditation, spirituality, psychology, sociology, hater of the Dalai Lama, and many other disciplines. I also am a master of American law. I was raised by a lawyer and his education and practice has made me a lawyer by nepotism.  […]

Meditation for October 17th, 2016 Rock & Roll Is For The Kids Rock & Roll use to be dangerous. Parents formed groups to try and stop satanism and censor the vulgarity of rock. They blamed rock on the decline of western civilization.  It isn’t dangerous anymore. It is just a matter of fact. Parents are […]

Meditation for October 16th, 2016 The Biased Media The media is biased. It uses the large suitcases of money to decide on what it will and will not report on.  Here are some things the biased media have lied about: Drinking water New York Times and other liberal slanted newspapers have lied over and over […]

Meditation for October 15th, 2016 It’s Too Easy to be a Hipster I wrote this on my old Tumblr blog in 2010. From local weekly newspapers to the New York Times, the Hipster has become an American icon for the youths art, music and fashion. They are everywhere and sometimes one of them will be […]

Meditation for October 14th, 2016 Reasons Why Your Spell Didn’t Work You put all your components together, your sage, your crystals, your eye of newt. You draw the star excaxtly right and all the runes and sigils are correct. You mutter the evocations straight from the book, but the spell doesn’t go off. Why? Here […]