Meditation for October 13th, 2016 People, Man.  People used to drink milk lattes – latte literally means milk in Italian. They would get 16 ounces of hot steamed milk and espresso.  And then They said milk is bad. It hurts animals and They said milk isn’t even good for you. Some people are lactose intolerant […]

Meditation for October 12th, 2016 How To Cope With Depression According To Your Zodiac The weather is changing and the fun and games under the sun is changing to the long grey winter binge watching TV and eating crappy. This is Depression season. Each sign has a unique way of expressing depression and a unique […]

Meditation for October 11th, 2016 How To Have That East Coast Attitude My girlfriend is from Massachusetts, and she is always yelling at me, at other drivers, at trees, at clouds and she yell snores when she sleeps. She now lives out here in the west coast where everyone whispers and draws out their vowels […]

Meditation for October 10th, 2016 The Absence of Bad News It can be very confusing to wake up one day and have the lack of drama in your life. We thrive on adversity and overcoming challenges, but when it’s a nice gentle brook babbling through a pastoral meadow, there is anxiety. Just the absence of […]

Meditation for October 9th, 2016 How To Fake Find The Meaning of Life One of the main purposes of meditation, a spiritual practice, and a lot of other methods discussed in this blog and other blogs like it. People flock to religion to find a meaning of life so that the mistake Reality of our […]

Meditation for October 7th, 2016 AA Meetings Earlier I wrote about the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. People who have drinking problems go to AA meetings to learn how to quit drinking using the 12 steps.  These classes usually take an hour, but some masochists endure hour and a half meetings. There are different kind […]

Meditation for October 5th, 2016 How To Know If You’re Boring It’s really easy to know if someone else is boring because that person bores you, but what if you were boring? How would you know? If you had any real authentic people in your life, they would tell you, but you don’t, so I […]

I was in the middle of a mossy wonderland camping and enjoying myself turning 40 years old. I was not able to send out my usual daily meditation until today. Meditation for October 2nd, 2016 The President of the United States of America Doesn’t Change Shit, You Do We are all voting on who is […]