Meditation for July 23rd, 2016 An Open Letter Careful. I’m about to write this here letter to someone I don’t know. It’s probably someone famous or a group of people and you probably don’t like as well. You are very excited to read this letter because it is about time someone wrote a letter to […]

  Meditation for July 22nd, 2016 Magic Spells Here at the David Everett Fisher Institute for Wellness and Mindfulness, we try to branch out and learn all mystical rituals to be as armed as possible in the ways of spirituality. We have gone over different Buddhist methods, Christianity methods and even some metaphysical methods to achieve […]

Meditation for July 21st, 2016 Whatever You Do, Don’t Be Yourself Some of us were raised to believe that we are special. That people are like snowflakes; no two are alike. We are told to just be us. We search out ways to be more authentic as we get older, letting go of caring what […]

Meditation for July 20th,2016 Superblog About Superfood There are foods out there that have a lot more for us than other foods. They contain nutrients and other positive elements for our physical wellbeing. A physical wellbeing is a great beginning of a spiritual life. Shitty physical health just means you aren’t trying at all. What […]

Meditation for July 19th, 2016 Urban Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is when we get essential oils and the aroma affect our mood and health. People get oils from lavender, orange blossoms, cedar and many other plants and flowers for the different effects. Citrus smells usually bring energy while floral smells effect us with sleep and passions. We […]

Meditation for July 18th, 2016 Your Mala Beads Mala beads are those little stone beads found draped on yoga practitioners, buddhists and Asian culture aficionados everywhere. They are used to keep count of mantras and prayers, much like the Rosary beads of the Catholics. The usual count is 108, but mala beads come in different […]

Meditation for July 17th, 2016 Being Into Eveything That Everyone Else Is Into Because Everyone Else Is Into Something And You Can’t Ever Be Alone Or Not Do The Same Things As Eveyone Else We find ourselves fighting to be apart of something bigger than yourselves. Like the cells that make up our own bodies, […]

Meditation for July 15th, 2016 Chakra Clogs Human beings have seven chakras. When flowing properly, one is united with the universe. Sometimes our chakras get clogged and we have to dump spiritual hair remover to get rid of those clogs.  Here are the different chakras, their clogs and how to roto-root those clogs.  Root Chakra […]

Meditation for July 14th, 2016 Small is good enough To keep my finger on the people’s pulse, I work as a barista at a local grocery store. I don’t have to because I take in a lot of money running and operating this meditation practice, but if I were to focus my whole time, I […]