The Chariot shot down the road with the peacock and ostrich trying to go in different directions and the charioteer yelling gibberish. They came to a dark forest, and the charioteer yelled that the Fool ought to take a break and stretch his legs. The Fool got out and fell to the ground. He’d forgotten what solid ground felt like.
The Fool walked around and saw candles flickering from the dark wood. He headed into the treeline to find where the lights came from.
Sitting in a cross-legged position in front of a pentagram drawn in the earth was a woman in a tall pointy hat. A witch, the Fool thought. Each point of the pentagram was a wand stuck in the earth, all with a small flame at the end.
Hello, the Fool greeted her. How are you?
You have interrupted my summoning, the woman said. I need my concentration.
What are you doing? the Fool asked.
I am summoning a demon, the woman responded.
Why? asked the Fool.
I need to perform a spell that is beyond my power, so I need to ask the demons for help, the woman answered.
Why a demon? asked the Fool.
Demons love to stretch their legs in our world, the woman said. Angels are too self-important, gods have too much to do to worry about a little witch trying to heal a friend, devils require too steep of a payment, and sprites can’t be trusted. A demon just wants to help.
You are trying to heal a friend? asked the Fool.
My cat has fallen ill and will surely die unless I can expel the disease, the woman answered, so if you’ll excuse me, I need to ask for help.
I hope the demon helps you out, the Fool said. He turned and walked out towards the Chariot.
The ground shook behind him, and he knew that the little witch had raised a demon to help her cat.