Tag: fyss

Meditation for March 30th, 2016 Soul Stealer Our bodies are our soul’s vessel, transporting it through our journey. It is our job to fill that soul with love, nurture, knowledge and experience. A soul doesn’t like to be dormant, so a soul will give you that feeling that it’s time to move on and experience […]

Meditation for March 29th, 2016 The Tao of Diets One of the key ingredients to a healthy life is the diet we eat. Choosing a healthy menu will help with sleep, physical strength, overall health and staying in touch with our meditation practices. There are a lot of diets out there. Some are for weight […]

Meditation for March 28th, 2016 Why You Are Mostly Unhappy Some people are just happy. They don’t let things bother them like it bothers other people. Some people have a harder time being happy. They search and search, but nothing seems to give them the long lasting effects of happiness and serenity. It eludes them. […]

Meditation for March 27th, 2016 Birthdays Tomorrow my dad will be 67 years old. Tonight he will stare out at his back property and contemplate the mysteries of life. Birthdays are a great time to look back at where you came from and take stock on your life now. A person all over the world […]

Meditation for March 26th. 2016 The Security Blanket We have something in our life that we need to feel safe and we don’t want anyone to take it away. We picture Linus from Peanuts with his blue blanket and sucking his thumb and getting mad at Snoopy who takes it from Linus all the time. […]

Meditation for March 24th, 2016 Your Voice We all have a unique voice. It isn’t just how the voice sounds, but the words we use, our phrases and slang, the accent and tone and the volume we use. You can tell that someone you know is on the other side of the supermarket aisle just […]

Meditation for March 23rd, 2016 Sharing Our Feelings When someone says or does something that hurts our feelings, the best way to respond is to share our feelings and be heard. You say something like, “When you ____________________, I feel ____________________.” The person then does with that information that they will and you have spoken. […]

   Meditation for March 22nd, 2016Spring Moods It is finally spring and now people are gearing up for warmer weather. The sun isn’t here to stay though because in the spring all you have to do is wait 5 minutes and the weather changes. Sometimes it is calm and warm and other times it is […]

Meditation for March 21st, 2016 Knowledge Makes You Dumb People are thirsty for knowledge. For us more enlightened creatures, we absorb as much as we can from books, teachers and by just watching the world around us. We want to understand what is happening, why it is happening and how it is happening. We look […]

Meditation for March 20th, 2016 Teaching Lessons We all have teachers. Some of them are traditional teachers like professors, parents, councilors, older people, therapists and many other educator roles we encounter. Others are people passing through our lives and do or say that one thing that changes our path. Hopefully as we live our lives […]