Tag: music

    The longer I’ve gone the harder it has gotten to write anything. I sit in therapy and shrug off the trauma and the feelings and wish to reawaken the creative muses who no longer sing for me. It’s not that I am having writer’s block, I am full of ideas that fill my […]

New podcast up, and Max and I discuss important albums. Music is the media that helps us remember time, memories, and feelings. Here is a link to the playlist for your audio pleasure. Sorry about the sound quality, we are hoping to fix the issue, but it was such great content we posted it anyway.

Meditation for August 13th, 2016 What To Listen To When You Meditate You don’t have to meditate in silence like poor people in poor countries do, you can have a soundtrack to your spiritual diving. Some music works a lot better than other music when it comes to helping you go under the material plane […]