What Do You Think I Should Do?

It has been hard to find the voice of this website. I am a man of many interests and am so overwhelmed with ideas it becomes hard to implement them all. I also don’t have a good sense of what the readers like and don’t like other than the random anonymous negative comment that I […]
Here is a poll on options that you would love to see in the future on David Everett Fisher dot com. Pick as many as you'd like. Please be honest; please do it. I really want to know.<br>Choose several options:

It has been hard to find the voice of this website. I am a man of many interests and am so overwhelmed with ideas it becomes hard to implement them all. I also don’t have a good sense of what the readers like and don’t like other than the random anonymous negative comment that I always delete.

I am trying to get my Tarot deck and book published. I need to find a strong presence online so people can find me and want to buy what I am selling. That is part of being an artist that isn’t talked about as much: selling oneself to sell art, asking for money, setting a price that is worthy of the labor, and being confident but humble.

So please fill out the poll so I can see what you, the faithful reader, like and don’t like. I don’t get a lot of interaction with readers unless I ask directly or the occasional troll comment that I delete. I’ll get ten likes on Instagram when I post a blog, and then I see only one reader, so I want to know what will get people to click that link.

Substack has been great for getting a wider audience, but I need my website to be an attractive place for those new readers to find.

One Comment

  1. Among other things, I checked off the podcast, but I would only want to see a LINK to it on the website. I think the more personal, the better. I think every piece of writing should have some ART to go with it, including photographs. I think there should be new material weekly, but not so much that we couldn’t see the older stuff easily. It should be searchable by topic or maybe words. Do you include “art/music/film” reviews in the podcast? Or comments on the latest news? That would be a good place for them. When I think of what I’d like to see right on the website, I think of a big (fascinating) picture with some sort of personal, intimate piece of writing (not necessarily directly related to the picture), supplemented by LINKS to other things. Also, maybe a very short intro to the website at the top that would mention if there are new entries in the links.

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